
Required By OSHA

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Every company, no matter the size, is required by OSHA to have an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) to protect the welfare of your employees. Mandating this plan is another example of the government thinking about what’s best for employees. In this case, what’s good for employees is also good for your company.

Your company is the primary target for lawsuits resulting from an employee’s death or injury while at work. Your company can be held financially responsible because you have a legal responsibility to each employee to have safeguards in place in the case of a disaster.

Emergency Action Plans can help keep employees safe and safely working. It doesn’t matter if the real reason for an injury or death was an earthquake, hurricane, fire, tornado, or some other disaster. You pay the price.

  • Who has the biggest interest in keeping your employees safe and your business surviving an emergency?
  • Who has to pay the ever-increasing rates for insurance and worker’s compensation?
  • Who pays when an employee’s death or injury is caused by your own negligence?

Why You Should Want an Emergency Action Plan?

Your first thought may be that you are going have an EAP merely because it’s a legal compliance issue. No reason to do more than that, right? Take a look around you.

. You might not think a disaster can hit you just because it hasn’t happened yet, but you’re wrong.


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